Uppvktning (courting) starts with a rose, next we see a gentleman who is courting a lady with flowers and gifts. Next, a boy and a girl with gifts, maybe to their mother and father and then we see a cake, packages, balloons, and flowers in a vase, a singer sings a song for the student, champagne and fruit are served, next flowers and packages. The table is decorated with candles and flowers and set with cake and at the top we see the hoisted flag.
Structure: Bound Rosepath
Reed: 40/10, 6 shaft och 6 pedals
Size: 42,8 x 115 cm
Includes Weaving Pattern and Weft
1-Pack Warp 3,40 m
2-Pack Warp 4,40 m
3-Pack Warp 6,40 m
OBS! The Warp is not included.
Order the warp here.